Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fonder…..Sometimes

This season of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills has been packed with drama. There’s been wine throwing, glass throwing and the inevitable questioning of Kim Richards’ sobriety. Well its been rumored that this reunion is one of the harshest ones to air yet. As the ladies sat on the couches, the tension in the room boiled over leading to some of the most vial quotes to come out of what appear to be “classy” and “intelligent” women. Here are some of the reported quotes that I’m talking about:

Brandi: “I don’t throw wine glasses, I throw wine!”
Lisa R.: “You throw wine? What’s the f—ing difference?”
Brandi: “It’s called assault and battery, bitch!”

“You’re horrible! This is why I don’t like her!” Kim to Kyle.

Lisa R.: “You shut the f— up. I am so sick of you.”
Kim: “Go eat!”

“But you did Diving With the Stars…” Andy throwing shade at Kim.

“You’ve had the same hairdo for 20 years!” Brandi to Lisa R.

Kyle: “I don’t walk around naked with a tampon string hanging out.”
Brandi: “Because you don’t get your period anymore, bitch.”

“You’re so f—ing mean! Just leave me alone!” Kyle to Kim.

If those were said in public I can only imagine the words that the ladies of Beverly Hills say behind closed doors. However with all that said there is really nothing that compares to the entertainment factor that all the drama brings to viewers lives. I can’t wait to see what other drama pops up during the three part reunion! rs_560x415-141103074141-1024.THE-REAL-HOUSEWIVES-OF-BEVERLY-HILLS-Season-5-JR-110314_copy

One thought on “Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fonder…..Sometimes

  1. Wow I can’t believe these women get away with saying these things to each other, especially on TV. I can’t help but be skeptical that some of these lines were staged, but if I am being honest I will watch the show either way. I hope my real life doesn’t turn into anything like this any time soon. Cant wait to read about some more juicy gossip next week and make me feel a little more sane about my own drama!

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