Bruce or Brenda?

1265124092_bruce-290We all know Bruce Jenner as the olympic athlete who took home gold medals and was an American hero……and from everyones favorite Armenian gypsy clan the Kardashians. Well now, at the tender age of 65, he is transitioning to a woman. OMG. Apparently he is also going to do a sit down interview with Diane Sawyer and of course an E! special going through the process with him. I’ve been following this story from the beginning, and E! has been conveniently running old Keeping up with the Kardashians episodes so that maybe we could see the signs over the years. Over the past year we have seen Bruce with longer/highlighted hair, painted nails and an overall more feminine look. After reading the “People” article that covered mostly insider comments, but the situation overall has been a very public matter. Watching everything play out will make for an interesting future E! special. 

2 thoughts on “Bruce or Brenda?

  1. Definitely can’t say I saw that coming! I’ve been watching Keep Up With the Kardashians on and off for years now. I respect his choice, especially since he is constantly in the public eye.


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